et me introduce myself. I am Jeremy, a.k.a; Sherlock, Home-Slice, or Germy from Germany has Germs, and I make stuff for kids. Sometimes, I sit at an old wooden typewriter desk, deep in my underground lair, jotting and scribbling tall tales and fanciful pictures for picture books. Other times, I join bands of merrymakers to think up and fabricate waggish puppets for shows on the telly. This one time, I created something that was kind of a picture book and kind of a puppet. It told the sad story of an Old Lady and her unconventional eating habits. You can see all this and more in the curated collection of my makings that sit below. So please take a look around, and after wandering through my work, if you fancy collaborating with me on a book, don't hesitate to contact my wonderful agent, Rebecca Sherman of Writers House at RSherman@WritersHouse.com. For all other creative and/or curious inquiries, contact me, Germy of Germany at JerHolmes@me.com.